
Things I Wish I Knew After Graduation

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Move the tassel, toss the cap. You’re a college graduate! Now what? December 11th, 2016 was my college graduation and easily one of the best days of my life. Since college I’ve had moments of extreme pride in myself just like graduation day. But at the time, I had never been more proud of myself than I did walking across the stage. But, it didn’t take long for the post graduation fear to set in. Fear of paying my own bills. Looming unemployment for an undetermined amount of time. Not to mention the anxiety inducing pressure of doing something with the degree I worked so hard for. I put together this list of things I wish I knew after graduation with the hope that if you find yourself in this place now or in the near future, this post will ease some of those fears we ALL seem to have post graduation.

college graduation

These are the things I wish I knew after graduation…

You will find your passion, I promise.

It’s going to take time. It might feel like it’ll never happen but it will. In the mean time, stay positive. Focus on what you can learn and how you can better yourself. By doing so, you’ll be the most ready you can be when that passion presents itself. You’ll know it’s your passion because you’ll start to dream about what it could be. It’ll be weighing on your heart and you won’t be able to shake it.

You are so young.

You will figure life out. I know, I know… that’s what everyone says and you just don’t believe them. I didn’t either. But they’re right. You’ve got so much time to be successful, to find your passion,and to do all the things that come after college. Just take it one day at a time and do your best to be better than the person you were yesterday.

Focusing on saving money is the best thing you’ll do right out of college

I know you’re still living paycheck to paycheck. I know you desperately want to splurge on clothes and trips, but saving money is cool. Determining an amount to save each month and sticking with it will make you so proud of yourself.

Life doesn’t get easier after college

As much as it pains me to admit it, it’s harder in a lot of ways. The pressure that comes with finding your purpose and working towards something you’re proud of. Being in charge of every decision, all of which affect your future. You no longer have the “plan” that college once gave you. It’s intimidating and scary but it’s also rewarding.

Having no homework is as amazing as you imagined

It’s really cool. Your homework now is the never ending cycle of cleaning and making dinner but it’s still better than homework.

You’re going to miss your friends… A LOT!

You’re going to feel like you’re missing out on things. And its true, you are. But that is okay. It’s a good thing to be partying less and focusing more on yourself and your growth.

Apply to every dang job that sparks interest.

Seriously. Even if you’re only half qualified just apply anyway. What’s the worst that can happen?

I know it seems like everyone has jobs in their field.

They don’t. Over time you’ll begin to see that most of us don’t and we are all stumbling and figuring it out and that’s okay.

Your worth is not tied to your degree or your job after college

And it’s okay if you never get a job with your degree. The experience, knowledge, and friends you gained in those college years are invaluable.

Now is the time to build your confidence.

With all of the unknown and intimidation you’re facing right now, its understandable that you feel young, underqualfied, and naive. But you are smart and capable. You have qualities that make you marketable as a person and an employee. Learn to be confident in every room, no matter who is in the room with you. If you feel like you need more specific tips to help you build confidence, read my best secret for improving confidence and positivity and why you need to let go of your limiting beliefs

Things I wish I knew after graduation
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I know it can be hard to believe advice from more “grown up” adults who are far removed from graduation and seem to have it all together. But they’re right, so try to believe them. Otherwise, I hope that you can take some comfort in reading the things I wish I knew after graduation, from the perspective of a 24 year old, only 3 years removed from graduation who most certainly does not have it all together.

Did your post graduation fears look like mine? What things did you wish you knew after graduating? Comment and tell me below!

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-The Relatable Red

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