Motivation,  Personal Development

10 Small Ways To Get Your Shit Together

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Achieving balance is a myth. You can strive to maintain an overall balance but different seasons of your life will require more of your time and energy than others. If you’re a new mom, your baby is going need the majority of your energy. If you want to be a published author, writing the book will take significantly more of your time. And when we are working on a specific goal/task/new focus, it’s easy for the rest of our responsibilities to fall by the wayside. And thats okay. If you feel like you’ve been spinning your wheels or not quite able to “catch up” on all the things, you are not alone. It happens to the best of us. That’s why I put together a list of small ways to get your shit together and finally close all those tabs running in your brain.

While working towards my goals and prioritizing time with my husband and family, I feel this kind of overwhelm every so often. I have found that taking a day of intentionality to achieve these small tasks is the best way to regain “control” and feel like I have my shit together again.

small ways to get your shit together

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Small Ways To Get Your Shit Together:

1. Brain dump your mental to-do list.

If you’re feeling forgetful lately or like there’s always something that needs your attention, there’s a good chance that you have a swirling to-do list in your head. Dump it out on paper. Write it all down. Even the little things. The list might be a mile long but at least this way, you aren’t forgetting anything and you can begin to prioritize urgency and importance.

ways to get your shit together

This is the time to dump the millions of things that cross your mind during the day that you vow to “get done later.” You know the ones I am talking about… you scoop the dog food and realize you’re running low, you think “oh crap that’s right, I need to order that today” and it goes on the mental to-do list, only to get pushed to the bottom. Until of course you go to scoop your dogs dinner in a couple day and now you have to run to Petco at the last second. Dump all of those things on to paper. You may even want to leave the list out and add to it all day.

It may be momentarily overwhelming to see all those to-do’s listed out but it will be so refreshing to tackle them one at a time, knowing you’re not forgetting something important.

2. Close the loop

I first learned about this small way of getting your shit together from productivity expert, Jessica Massey. She’s a podcast host who creates digital and paper planners, amongst other things. The idea is that you close the loop and finish the small task ( 5 minutes or less.) For example, you put laundry in the washer in the morning. Then by lunch time you remember it needs to be moved to the dryer but you’re just about to dive in to a new task so you say “I’ll just do it when I’m done.” When it crosses your mind to finish a task, just stop and finish it. Close out that tab in your brain. Having all these little half tasks open takes up space in your brain that keeps you from more efficiently performing the bigger, more taxing projects.

3. Clear out your emails/email list

You’re either the person with a ton of unread emails or the person who can’t stand even one notification. I am the latter. However, I am also the person that doesn’t take the 5-10 minutes to unsubscribe to hundreds of nonsense emails I get each day. I always say I’ll just do it later. This is a simple and surefire way to get your shit together, make your digital life less cluttered, and close the loop. Delete, respond, or unsubscribe.

ways to get your shit together

4. Update your calendar

If you are mid month, update the rest of it and next month too! My dad always says, proper planning prevents piss poor performance (LOL.) Update birthdays, due dates for bills, appointments, and any timely purchases that need to be made. All of these little things will clear your mind of things to remember.

5. Make your bed

I always thought people who made their bed every day were nuts. Who cares? You’re just going to get back in it and mess it up again at the end of the day anyway. I started doing it during quarantine to try and make my environment feel tidy and I ended up really loving it. It makes your bed so much more inviting and is such a small way to feel productive in the morning. Bonus points if you wash your bedding too! That will really make you feel like you have your shit together.

get your shit together

6. Drink water

Feelings of overwhelm are exacerbated when you feel sluggish. You’re not dying and your headache is likely not (entirely) from a lack of caffeine. You need water. Start your day with at least 8oz before caffeine or food. Water is the one of the simplest and most beneficial things you can for your health.

7. Move your body

Y’all probably already know how important I believe exercise is. My preferred form is weightlifting, but during quarantine I learned to really enjoy daily walks. Do what you can with what you’ve got. Daily movement is wildly beneficial for your mental health and might be just what you need if you feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Take 30 minutes out of your day and make them just for you. Clear your mind and move your body. You deserve it.

8. Do the chore you love to have completed

Not your favorite chore, but the chore that makes you feel accomplished when it’s done. Mine is cleaning our bathroom and/or vacuuming. Those are actually some of my least favorite chores but I feel so refreshed when they’re completed. Nothing makes me feel like I have my shit together more than a bathroom that smells like bleach and no dog hair on my floors. Maybe for you the chore is getting caught up on laundry or washing all the bedding. Whatever it is, get it done and see how awesome you feel after.

9. 10 minute tidy

Set a timer on your phone and tidy up your house (or office) as much as you can in 10 minutes. It’s unbelievable what you can get done when you have a time limit and uninterrupted focus. Fold blankets, do dishes, wipe counters, etc. I like to start my day with a 10 minute tidying session. It’s a great way to feel productive while also organizing my environment.

10. Set an achievable goal for the week

Growth brings fulfillment and fulfillment makes you feel like you have your shit together. Decide over the weekend that you’re going to exercise 4 days this week. Or spend an hour each day with your child with no technology. Or finish that lawn work you’ve been putting off (this one is totally for me.) Sometimes it can feel like we are on a hamster wheel, stuck doing the same things but never getting anywhere. Setting an achievable goal and actually following through with it can be the first step you need to get off the wheel and propel yourself forward. Discipline breeds consistency and consistency breeds momentum. Start with discipline over smaller/short term goals and watch yourself gain momentum to strive for more.

get your shit together

Related posts you may enjoy: Motivational Quotes For Achieving Long Term Goals; How To Get Motivated; How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them

If you catch yourself in one of these moments where it feels like you can never catch up, take a breath and remind yourself that you are capable and you were made for this. Then, set aside some intentional time to get your shit together with these tips! I hope you found them helpful and will refer back next time you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with life. As always, if you ever need me, you can connect with me via email or direct message me on Instagram @TheRelatableRed!

-The Relatable Red


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